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Canada Safety Council (CSC)
Defensive Driving Workshop

Give your employees the Defensive Driving Course (DDC) and help them join the ranks of the most safety-conscious drivers on the road.


For employees who drive either a company vehicle or their own vehicle on the job, safe driving is a matter of occupational safety. However, an estimated nine out of 10 times loss and/or injuries happen off the job; not counting employees who take time off to care for an injured family member.


When a company driver is involved in a crash, insurance rates can skyrocket. In addition, indirect costs (whether the worker was driving on or off the job) can include recuperation time, re-staffing, retraining and lost productivity.


Fewer collisions to company vehicles will help control insurance costs – and safe drivers lose less time from work because they avoid collisions. That is why a defensive driving course can benefit all employees (and family members) who have a driver’s licence. DDC is designed to teach your employees and their families how to drive safely.


Traffic crashes are preventable … by defensive driving.

Complete concepts are presented so they are easily understood.
Materials are fully integrated to suit different learning styles and accommodate learners with disabilities.

Workshop Description

This concise workshop focuses on the driving attitudes proven safe and subscribing in and for defensive driving. Topics include exploring and analyzing causes of collisions, preventing collisions, eye-lead time, the time interval formula, safe passing techniques, and many other related topics. Furthermore, the workshop also explores the strategies that construct the concept of safe driving equaling fuel-efficient driving, as well as the financial benefits of driving in a manner that reduces one’s carbon footprint.


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, participants will be able to:

  • Understand critical defensive driving terminology and concepts;

  • Have knowledge in conducting a pre-trip inspection, and recognize its importance and value;

  • Spot potential hazards for the vehicle and driver according to specific road conditions and traffic settings;

  • Identify and apply key strategies in and when dealing with potential hazards;

  • Understand the connection between fuel efficiency, climate change, and road safety;

  • Drive safely, on a consistence basis, by applying the appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitude, as well as the specific collision avoidance techniques necessitated;

  • Understand the challenges faced by other types of road users and vehicles, such as commercial trucks, motorcycles, cyclists, emergency vehicles, and pedestrians;

  • Recognize the effects change in legislation, mainstream driving behaviour, and technology has on the current road culture

  • Recognize the effects of changes in legislation, driver behaviours and technology on the current road culture;

  • Identify critical issues that policies and procedures must address in order to establish due diligence.



  • Interactive instruction with formal and informal discussion, as well as individual and groupwork exercises.  


  • Each participant will receive a Canada Safety Council workbook.


  • Upon completion each participant will receive a Canada Safety Council – Defensive Driving Course certificate.


  • Can be delivered via a virtual setting and/or presential setting (i.e., in the classroom of the hiring party or our classroom).

Duration and Dates

  • 5-6 hours.

  • Date(s) to be determined between Vaughan Driver Training Centre and the hiring party.


Workshop and Course Instructor(s)

Ben Estrada
Chief Instructor and Master Trainer
Auto$mart Program Consultant – Natural Resources of Canada
Instructor Trainer #13863 – Canada Safety Council
Driver Instructor Trainer #SL-3-04-02 – Ministry of Transportation of Ontario


Please inquire for price and date of course. 

Company Benefits of the Defensive Driving Course:

  • Reduces operating costs

  • Reduces collisions

  • Reduces sick leave, insurance, and other finances related to, and as a result of, traffic collisions

  • Reduces vehicle abuse/misuse and maintenance costs

  • Increases customer satisfaction with on-time deliveries and undamaged products

Vaughan Driver Training Center  is a recognized training provider of Canada Safety Council driver education programs.  

©2023 por Vaughan Driver Training Center. 

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