Canada Safety Council (CSC)
Back to Safety
Backing collisions happen often and can become expensive when one considers the overall repair costs of the vehicle(s), equipment, and property damage ensued. Backing collisions represent more than half of the vehicle collisions reported by the nation’s largest fleets. The simple solution, however, to this problem is for the driver to obtain the right knowledge, develop the proper skills, and maintain the correct attitude in their approach to how to back up a vehicle.
Our “Back to Safety” program includes 2 parts: (1) A training portion; (2) An assessment portion. The training portion helps the driver to reduce unnecessary backing, identify blind spot areas, and identify moving and stationary hazards. During the backing exercises, the driver will practice our Collision Prevention Formula with a certified instructor. Once the driver has completed the training portion, he or she will then be assessed to ensure that the proper knowledge and skills have been developed with respect to backing up a vehicle safely.
Backing exercises to the left and right
Identification of hazards and steering control
Identify major driving errors.
Identify areas needing improvement.
Provide a copy of the examination form to the individual participant or the participant’s supervisor.
Training and assessments will take place in the vehicle participants utilize for work or personal use.
45-60 minutes.
Location and Dates
To be determined between Vaughan Driver Training Centre and the hiring party.
Trainer and Driving Examiners
Experienced MTO licenced driving instructors and certified driving instructor professionals.
Assessment conducted by:
A License Driver Instructor
Please inquire for price and date of course.